Saturday, September 1, 2012

Two Turtle Doves and I Still Wait For My Chick

Posted by Liberty on Mar 8, '08 3:28 PM for everyone
If my baby came today, it would have been swell since it's my mother-in-law's birthday. I love my mother-in-law. I regard her as my other mother here on earth. She is a beautiful human being who lives her life in love for her family and in love for our God. And she has a great sense of humor too!

But my baby boy missed this date too. I think he wants his own original birthday. Not willing to share the limelight (I think he got that from his, ehem, momma). Hi-hi-hi.

Did some walking again today (while shopping) in the event that I may cause some shaking and rattling for the bebe. And some more house cleaning. They say all that helps. Plus, one more activity that I'd rather not mention here . Ha-ha-ha.

Okay, let's see what happens tomorrow.

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