Saturday, September 1, 2012

Aloha London

Posted by Liberty on Jun 5, '08 7:36 AM for everyone
Though short, this entry is a very exciting one for me.
Wanna know why? It is because today I am able to
finally announce who the lucky winner (s) is for that
Name Game I did before my baby Kainoa is born!!!
It took me a while coz my daily life sems to be so
wonderfully topsy turvy these days. Between a babbling
baby and endless dirty diaper changing, time seems so
slippery these days. They just run through mommy's
fingers like water chasing the sand.

Okay, without further ado, I wish to congratulate my
dearest friend LIZ and MR D from UK as our name
game winner!!!! Yehey!!!!! Clap, clap, clap!!!! It was a
confirmation from the heavens when she suggested that
we named him KAI.

You see, my baby's name came to me in a dream. And
while I was so in love with it from the very beginning,
my husband was not so sure about it at the beginning.
And so mommy's crazy name search for baby began! It
nearly drove me mad. In other words, insane. Ha-ha-ha.
There are just so many beautiful and meaningful names
out there.

The whole significance and meaning of Kainoa's name
for us will be the subject of a future entry for me.
Today, I wish to congratulate and thank Liz for being
the first soul to come and suggest the most wonderful
name for my baby, which is a ctually a confirmation of
God's message for me in a dream and many other signs
He gave me.

Except for me and my husband, everyone in our family,
both sides, call our baby boy KAI. And everytime they
do so, I think of Liz. Thank you very much Liz. You are
like an angel sent to us by Mister God Himself, as one
of His further confirmations we are to call our son

The above picture is the Aloha Package I promised to
send the winner of our name game contest. There is
something for MR D too! Hi-hi-hi. And of course! I pray
they all make it to Liz's home in good condition. I sent
them via Priority Mail on June 2. The day Liz was
coming back from her exciting cruise. I forgot to ask
the Post Office clerk when it will get there.

We actually have a second winner. Yup! The other one is
from the United States. I originally announced in my
name game contest that I could only pick one winner
from the US, but it was almost magical that LIZ was
the first to come to my blog to make a name suggestion
and she hit bullseye right away.

But one of my cyber sisters, Christy (of TimeLord )
was the OTHER WINNER!!!! Like Liz, she also
suggested the name KAI. Can you believe it? KAI is not
a very common name outside of Hawaii. But both of
them thought of that name. If that's not divinely
inspired, I don't know how else to call it.

But Christy hasn't sent me her shipping address in LA
yet so I was not able to send it to her. Or maybe, she
sent it to me and I missed it? Can someone help me
remind her to send me her address to my email box?!!!

And to all of you who came and participated in my name
game contest, I deeply thank you. I wish I could use all
the names you sent me. They're all beautiful and so
meaningful. And sent to us with so much of your love.
Thank you very much. Your participation meant a lot to
me. To my family.

Aloha oe, everyone. Kainoa sends his love and aloha to all of you.

aloha package 005
Aloha Package contains chocolate covered macadamia
nuts, honey glazed macadamia nuts, classic, dry
roasted macadamia nuts, garlic sprinkled macadamia
nuts (ha-ha-ha! They're from Hawaii. What do you guys
expect?), Kona coffees, different flavors- chocolate
macadamia, vanilla macadamia, ha-ha-ha and Kona
Classic flavor. More macadamia chocolate candies, a
hawaii made soap (out of pikake, jasmine flowers), a
hawaiian inspired photo frame, a hawaiian souvenir, and
a gift for Mr D. I included some more small items there
for Liz to find out later, since I already divulged most
of the contents here. I hope Liz does't mind.

HOT OFF THE PRESS! CHRISTY has just sent me an
email giving me her address!!!! YEHEY!!! She apparently
has sent it to me but I missed it. Alright my love,
tomorow or Saturday, your Aloha Package is coming
your way too. With some dark chocolates too!!! I love
aloha package 009All packed and ready to go!!!

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